Vice President - Brian Brainard
Secretary - Joe Shedlawski
Treasurer - Eric Decker 
Click HERE for membership application

Do you own or are you a fan of Pontiac, Oakland, or GMC and live in North Florida or South Georgia? If so then may we encourage you to consider joining the Dixie Chapter? 

When you join you are part of a large family. The Dixie Chapter is one of many chapters of the Pontiac-Oakland Club International (POCI). Membership includes a subscription to Smoke Signals our monthly award winning club publication, as well as local group activities including meetings, car shows, cruises and just meet-ups.

Some of our goals are “to pool together as much information as possible to assist Pontiac, Oakland, and GMC owners in the restoration and preservation of their vehicles, to promote interest in Pontiac, Oakland, and GMC vehicles, their history, restoration, preservation and, above all, to make owning a Pontiac, Oakland, or GMC an enjoyable experience.”   We know its a mouthful,  but especially now that we've become an endangered species, we all need to band together.

Take a look around our website,  visit an event,  give one of us a call for tech advice... you won't regret it.
President- Tom Wheeley
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Master- at- Arms - Matt Clarke